Our activities and impact

Activate has a far-reaching impact on women’s lives

"It helped so much to know we're not alone and there are plenty of other people in similar situations.  I was given the tools to help us move on."


We reach: 

  • 600+ people at in-person events
  • 55 churches across all Christian denominations

We travel:

  • over 3300 miles

We connect:

  • 1100 followers across Instagram and Facebook

We write:

  • Over 500,000 words

We maintain:

  • A website with 15 years’s worth of blogs, vlogs, resources and inspiration, with new content added regularly

"Having space to be with God. I especially enjoyed the teaching and worship, the team, and all the women I got to meet."


 "Wise leadership and fun. I am looking forward to being more intentionally fruitful. Thankyou."

Could you describe the day away in one sentence?

  • Inspiring, encouraging and real.  It’s a great day to learn more about God, myself and those I live and work with.
  • I came away feeling blessed and more confident, so thank You!
  • It was easy to understand and practical: you can take it into your walk with the Lord and reach others in little ways.
  • An uplifting, empowering and enlightening day which has helped me to be equipped to go forward in all aspects of my life.

What is your main 'takeaway' from this event?

  • How we can have an impact on others using different strategies.
  • Blessed - learnt a lot from the speakers. Lovely songs to worship God with all the ladies there.
  • I honestly feel that I'm taking many opportunities to tell friends and neighbours about Jesus and help them on their journey towards him.
  • That being ‘me’ with God at the centre is enough. I’m thankful that my eyes have been further widened to how ‘power’ is misused in all walks of society, including in our own home. With this information and support today, I can make healthy changes to my relationship and in my workplace.

Any other comments.

  • The speakers were excellent, well informed and obviously have a heart for what God has led them to do.
  • The speakers were fantastic, very real and honest. Looking forward to going to the next event.
  • I wasn’t sure what to expect- evangelism is a big word, but I could understand about love and I felt enabled to show it and have God use that in His way.
  • Felt very loved and looked after. And to be able to worship with other ladies. A very special day. Thank you.

 "I loved the worship and singing and the seminars were varied and very helpful. Sometimes it can feel quite lonely as a Christian today and it was such a treat to be together with so many!"

Activate has a far-reaching impact on women’s lives.
Activate is about...

 "I loved the worship and singing and the seminars were varied and very helpful. Sometimes it can feel quite lonely as a Christian today and it was such a treat to betogether with so many!"

"The balance between practical advice and spiritual guidance was spot on. Also to have the teaching and leading from an all-female team is such a great inspiration for all of us but especially the Miss Activate leaders of the future."

What do our attendees learn?

What did you learn from the day?

  • Don’t despise the day of small things … be natural authentic and be yourself… you have a voice
  • Keep being me! Keep being open and honest about my life and my faith; let God put you in the right place for the right conversations.
  • I am an introvert by nature. The event gave me confidence that I can do my bit even if I don’t see the final step.
  • That God can use simple friendships to encourage people, step by step, towards having a faith of their own.
  • Refocus on community

How did it impact you?

  • So glad to hear such relevancy and realness that makes the message one that I feel easily able to respond to in my everyday life.
  • At the meeting I felt that God is asking me to organise a community event. So I really appreciate the opportunity to step back and hear from God - thank you.
  • What a gift to hear your personal stories & the encouragement that I matter to God.
  • Thank you so much to the speakers for being so open and honest with their life struggles - made the sessions relatable and not just theoretical.
  • After being a Christian for many years i was feeling a bit discouraged. It was refreshing to hear how the gospel can be shared today with out it being so formal. It made me feel comfortable with who i am!!
  • Lovely day. Very enjoyable and it helped reinforce what I believe evangelism should be in my everyday life!
  • Loved the stories, showing God at work in daily living, through ordinary but flawed women, just wanting to be used by God.
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