Activate Team Member

Quad Biking

Last night I helped run an outreach event with our “Girls’ Night Out’ Group. Someone had suggested that our pamper/chocolate obsession was too girly and that is was time we did something more adventurous. When Claire, our dynamic business woman, started phoning round, all the offered prices were out of our comfort range: £35 for an hour was not going to be popular! So she offered a deal, we will bring 25 women and come on one of your quiet nights and we don’t mind sharing the quads- we are offering £10 per person. The owner went for it! The power of a charming persuasive woman with God on her side!!
When we started advertising it we had a mixed response, some of our regulars – who had raved about our cupcake and pimms night politely declined. But others, who had walked past our table and poster for the last two years approached with enthusiasm – ‘finally, something that my friends would actually love!”
As the evening approached, I was somewhat nervous. I am not renowned for my driving skills and the thought of being the slowest was not filling me with joy. As we loaded up the cars and set off I realised that most of the other women were feeling the same. Only a couple had ever tried this before.
We were greeted by two enthusiastic, mud spattered, young men, who seemed to be up for the challenge of 27 giggling women. We donned navy boiler suits, all in massive sizes and were given our driving briefing. Then we got on our quads, in two groups and started to negotiate the gears, throttle and steering. It took a while to get the hang of it, some were slower than others but with our huge boiler suits and cover-all helmets no one could tell who was who anyway!
Round the track we went to get used to the machines, then we set off on a trail through beautiful Dorset countryside, wheat crops and sheep, into the setting July sun. Whoops of delight could be heard as we whizzed through muddy puddles and negotiated rutted corners. Turning round, I could see lots of smiling women behind me.
Sian was the craziest and was bouncing with exuberance as she tried to overtake. Ruth was the slowest, as she trundled by shouting, ‘I am absolutely hopeless at this. It is fantastic, though and I definitely want to do it again!’
We were out for nearly an hour and when we returned to swap the bikes over, there was a sense of tiredness combined with exhilaration. Everyone grinned as they took off their helmets and exchanged stories of puddles, hedges and dodgem style bumps.
The leader had not actually realised how little we had paid and had given us way over our alotted time slot. Thank you God for the opportunity to be out in the countryside on a beautiful evening building friendships and enjoying a new experience together.
Zorbing in baked beans next?

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Use Me!

Fiona Castle spoke movingly at a valedictory service for students leaving Moorlands Bible college recently. She quoted from this poem by G K Chesterton.

Lord, I want to play a role in the biggest adventure story of all time.
Use me to make a difference
Use me to touch lives in Your name.
Use me to help a broken person understand he is precious to you.
Use me to impact a young person for you.
Use me to soothe someone’s pain.
Use me to be the answer to someone’s pain.
Use me to have compassion for the disadvantaged and vulnerable.
Use me to defend the defenceless.
Use me to bring someone to you.

Use me to ease someone’s loneliness.
Use me to establish Godly values for those for whom I have responsibility.
Use me to deepen someone’s faith.
Use me to bring hope into someone’s despair.
Use me to bring Your light ineo someone’s darkness.
Use me to release somone from their guilt because of Your cross.
Use me to strengthen someone who cannot cope with life any longer.
Use me to bring a God perspective into someone’s thinking.

O use me, Lord, use even me,
Just as thou wilt, and when, and where,
Until thy blessed face I see,
Thy rest, Thy Joy, Thy glory share

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A Divine Moment

A Divine Moment.
Our Activate meeting last week began with chocolate. A bar of Divine milk chocolate, to be precise. Very Activate-Your-Life.
Psalm 34 verse 8 invites us to ‘taste and see that God is good’. How often throughout a day do we think about food, or drink? How many times do we feel hungry or thirsty, and reach out for something to revive us?
God is a constant source of nourishment and strength. Perhaps we should pray for a greater hunger and thirst for Him, and His goodness in our lives. There’s a feast waiting for us, at any point of time. It’s free of charge – the price has been paid. Just pause, remember He’s there with you, and ask Him to fill you up again.
How many times a day does my kettle get boiled? Usually it’s switched on, then left until the boiling ‘click’ is heard, so that another little job can be ticked off the to-do list in the meantime. But those few minutes could be a great time instead to pause and remember who provides me with water and wants to top up His power in me. Regularly.
We eat and drink every day. Regular meal-times. Snacks. When we’re bored; weak; needing a boost. How would the day go if we had a quick snack first thing on the run and then nothing else before bedtime?
And food is for sharing. So many of the great times in our lives involve a meal shared. If you have tasted and know God’s goodness in your life, isn’t that something worth handing out? Bet you’re glad someone told you!
Chocolate’s a bit pointless if it’s left in the wrapper

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The Evangelism Issue – definitely worth reading!

The July edition of Christianity magazine has just arrived in my house and it is great! This is the first time I have seen evangelism the primary focus of this publication and I am delighted to read the range and variety of articles and interviews.
There are profiles of Nicky Gumbel and Rico Tice as well as Krish Kandiah on ‘The Dreaded ‘E’ word’. There is an interesting article detailing the 5 big reasons why people don’t believe.There is a run down of key evangelism projects throughout the UK. Of course, Activate should be included in that section, but at least the emphasis is on evangelism following out of relationship.
Nicky Gumbell says –
“The most effective way of evangelising is being yourself”
Rico Tice adds-
“We’ve got to keep asking, where’s the culture and how do we communicate?”
If you have been trying to raise the profile of evangelism in your church, (and you have already passed on ‘Unlocking the Door’), then try passing out a few copies of this new yellow covered magazine. The research says that 90% of evangelical Christians are convinced that we should be active in evangelism.But only 60% think they are likely to have a conversation about God in the next month.
Let’s make sure that we are among those who speak about God every month. Over the last six months we have had the joy and hassle of having some house renovations – it feels like the builders moved in and took over every room. God continues to show He can move through all situations and conversations; the builder and his wife and daughter came to church with us on Sunday, and seemed to love it.

The Evangelism Issue – definitely worth reading! Read More »

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