Activate Team Member

Liberti Magazine

A new magazine for Christian women has arrived. It is called Liberti and is edited by Bekah Legg, in conjunction with her husband Steve’s successful Sorted magazine.
The Activate team had the chance to meet Bekah and were excited about the content and ethos of the relaunched publication. We took the opportunity to invest and support the new team by buying a copy as a gift for everyone on our address database.We hope you are enjoying this free gift. If you missed out on this opportunity, it means we don’t have an up to date address for you and we would love to hear from you now! Use the contact button on this website and tell us your address to ensure you don’t miss out in the future.
Liberti is aimed at women who feel they are in the age bracket of 19 to 44, which is all of us!! There is an excellent article by Michele Guinness, as well as an interview with Vicki Beeching. There are lots of articles about being stuck into your community as well as interesting writing on lifestyle and health. If you want to read more or subscribe for future issues, (and look out for the £1 deal) then look up

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Made in the Image of God?

Have you ever found yourself wrestling with a new thought? I feel that a question has been rolling round in my mind for a few weeks now. I have been a Christian for a long time and have always known that I was created in the image of God. Yet somehow, I probably thought of this as, really – man is made in the image of God and as a woman I am a further removed or lesser reflection?! God is a God of love, mercy, patience, faithfulness, goodness and self control – all qualities that are often associated with women, yet I never saw myself as that closely linked, as a true image of God.
Our church has an interregnum pastor at the moment and on Mothering Sunday he preached on the Motherhood of God. Perhaps in your church that would be a normal title, but in our fairly traditional, evangelical, reformed, Anglican church the sermon title was big news!! Soon after the sermon started he was quick to qualify the statement and not go down the ‘Shack’ like picture of God as a woman but he did raise some interesting issues and left me pondering my identity as a woman of God in a new way. And perhaps to look at God, and my image of Him in a new way too.
When filling in the Libertie magazine survery, featured on our website, I was intrigued by the question – Would you rather be a man than a woman? For me, that answer has to be no – I am very happy being me, being a woman. But I know that statistics from the questionnaire and other national surveys show that a high percentage of woman would actually prefer to be a man.
I wonder if that is because they do not value the qualities and attributes that are part of their female identity? Or is it because they feel that being a woman restricts their opportunites and choices? Perhaps their career has hit the infamous ‘glass ceiling’ or maybe their role within their church is limited.
I spoke once with a confused young woman who was seeking advice because her church were keen to employ her as their youth pastor, they just wanted her to work an additional few hours as an admin support so that her title could be ‘church-administrator’ and keep everyone happy. She asked me, ‘should I accept the title so that I can do the job I love and am qualified for (with a first class degree in youth work) or should I go somewhere else, where they will accept me more honestly for the work I’m doing?’ How should I have responded?

Every denomination has a slightly different view of what is right and what is Biblical in this area. I have tried always to keep an open mind and be in harmony with the church that I am worshipping with at the time.
Two weeks ago I was asked if I would consider leading a service at our church, not that big a deal for some. But in our church that is a first and they are only considering two women for the role within the next few months.The advice I have been given is, if you do it, you had better be really good at it.
Thoughts, anybody?

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More Than Gold – an Olympic update

The Olympics are approaching fast! This week those who have applied for tickets find out if they are successful, albeit through their bank accounts suddenly emptying.
Details of the torch route have just been announced
Starting in Land’s End on the 19th of May 2012 the torch is making it’s way round the country, stopping at a different location every evening.It will be arriving near you at some point!
In previous Olympics churches and christians have become involved in practical and effective ways. In Atlanta in 1996, well over 20,000 Christians were involved in some aspect of the programmes through which; three quarters of the homes used for hosting athletes’ families were provided and over 3 million cups of cold water were given to spectators at no cost to the official organising committee.
In Sydney in the year 2000,110 sports clinics for disadvantaged young people were implemented by 85 churches with an attendance of over 2,500.

There is something in the More Than Gold’s tried and tested programme of radical Outreach, Hospitality and Service to meet the needs of every church, and individual Christian – whatever location or make up.

This includes –

•Providing volunteers for the Service and Hospitality programmes
•Engaging with your own community including through Guest Events, Sports Outreach and Creative Arts
•Linking hands with other churches to run Community Festivals and Hospitality Centres
Appoint your church Gold Champion

If we believe in community and outreach then this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get involved and make a difference.

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