Mandy Catto

The Labyrinth 2009 – A walk with Jesus

Created by Julie, Adrienne and the Forest Row team.

Picture a meadow in your mind.

As you walk through the field of wild flowers feel them gently brush against your hands, legs and feet.

Ahead is a gate – open it and step through.

Stand still here and be silent. Habakkuk 2:20

Breathe in the scene in your mind with all your senses. John 20:22
Feel the earth beneath your feet.

Listen to the sounds around you, near or far.
Can you hear the birds singing?
Or the sound of a rain shower?
Or the gentle rustle of a breeze? Psalm 34:11

As you walk, count the sounds you hear.

Using your fingertips, touch as many things as you walk..
Maybe leaves and branches or the grass at your feet.

Taste the air – is it sweet? Psalm 34:8

Smell the countryside as your journey.

Ahead of you is a pool, stop awhile and gaze into the water.
What do you see?
Living water?
Your own reflection as God’s child? John 7:38

You see a familiar figure sat on the bough of a tree. Philippians 4:5

Look with your inner soul at the scene before you.
You are now in His presence.
Jesus greets you and welcomes you to come and sit with Him.

Listen for His voice as you open your heart to Him.

Walk to the rhythms of grace with Jesus by your side.
1Corinthians 16:23

Feel the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit reach into the hidden recesses of your heart.

Feel your soul ignited by the love of God.

Rest in Him. Deuteronomy 33:12

Hold all you have experienced in your memory. Psalm 45:17

You have been lovingly made in God’s image and are his treasured child.
Psalm 139:13-16

He takes great delight in you and for the purpose He has in your life.
Isaiah 42:1

When you are ready to come back to the starting point of your journey, take a flower from the bowl in front of you to signify that Christ is with you always encouraging you to come and walk with Him.

God Bless

The Labyrinth 2009 – A walk with Jesus Read More »

A fresh start for friendship evangelism- a reflection by Fiona Castle.

During the Sunday morning reflection on our weekend away, our president Fiona Castle shared her thoughts on ‘Love is…’.She invited us to look at 1 Corinthians 13 by spending time with a fresh version of the famous words.
1. A friend is patient. Rather than giving her opinion, she listens.
2. A friend is kind. She doesn’t assume. She is thoughtful.
3. A friend doesn’t envy. She’s content with what she is and has, and wants the best for others.
4. A friend doesn’t boast. She knows that God alone is on the throne.
5. A friend isn’t proud. She approaches people, not with “Here I am”, but “There you are!”.
6. A friend isn’t rude. She sees others, not to be used, or abused, but to be loved and valued.
7. A friend isn’t self seeking. She wants fairness and equality for others, rather than for herself.
8. A friend isn’t easily angered. She asks the Lord to bring forgiveness and peace to the situation.
9. A friend keeps no record of wrongs. Instead she repays the wrongdoer with kindness.
10. A friend doesn’t delight in evil, but rejoices in the truth. She seeks openness and integrity.
11. A friend always protects. Her love covers the weaknesses of others.
12. A friend always trusts. She is accountable to others.
13. A friend always hopes. Even in the tough times, she’s optimistic and encouraging.
14. A friend always perseveres. Even when others let her down, she keeps going.
15. A friend never fails. She’s Christlike!

A fresh start for friendship evangelism- a reflection by Fiona Castle. Read More »

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