Election Fever – get involved?
Last night saw the first televised British election debate. Today the media is filled with reactions, analysis and opinion polls. It certainly made for interesting viewing. At Activate we encourage you to pray for the election, make sure you are registered to vote,(the deadline is the 20th of April) and on May 6th -vote!
There is another way you might consider getting involved and making your voice heard now as a Christian –The Wesminster Declaration.
An interdenominational group encourages people to sign up to a statement of belief, the details are copied from their website for you here –
Protecting human life, protecting marriage, and protecting freedom of conscience are foundational for creating and maintaining strong families, caring communities and a just society. Our Christian faith compels us to speak and act in defence of all these.
Our beliefs and values
As Christians we reaffirm historic belief in God the Father (who created us and gave us the blueprint for our lives together); in God the Son Jesus Christ our Saviour (accepting his incarnation, teaching, claims, miracles, death, resurrection and return in judgment); and in God the Holy Spirit (who lives within us, guides us and gives us strength). We commit ourselves to worship, honour and obey God.
As UK citizens we affirm our Christian commitment both to exercise social responsibility in working for the common good and also to be subject to all governing authorities and obey them except when they require us to act unjustly.
We pledge to support marriage – the lifelong covenantal union of one man and one woman as husband and wife. We believe it is divinely ordained, the only context for sexual intercourse, and the most important unit for sustaining the health, education, and welfare of all. We call on government to honour, promote and protect marriage and we refuse to submit to any edict forcing us to equate any other form of sexual partnership with marriage. We commit ourselves to continue affirming what we believe as Christians about sexual morality, marriage, and the family.
We count it a special privilege to live in a democratic society where all citizens have the right to participate in the political process. We pledge to do what we can to ensure our laws are just and fair, particularly in protecting vulnerable people. We will seek to ensure that religious liberty and freedom of conscience are unequivocally protected against interference by the state and other threats, not only to individuals but also to institutions including families, charities, schools and religious communities. We will not be intimidated by any cultural or political power into silence or acquiescence and we will reject measures that seek to over-rule our Christian consciences or to restrict our freedoms to express Christian beliefs, or to worship and obey God.
We call upon all those in UK positions of leadership, responsibility and influence to pledge to respect, uphold and protect the right of Christians to hold these beliefs and to act according to Christian conscience.
Over 22,000 people have now signed the Westminster 2010 Declaration. This is a very important opportunity to press home some of the issues that are important to Christian voters. We’d love to have 100,000 signatories before the general election.
Therefore, please:
· Sign the declaration at www.westminster2010.org.uk
· Download and print copies, take them to church and encourage others to sign, including church leaders.
· Contact your candidates and press them to pledge support – contact details for candidates in your constituency are available at www.yournextmp.com.
Key Signatories
•Lord Carey – Former Archbishop of Canterbury
•Cardinal O’Brien – Catholic Church in Scotland
•Michael Nazir-Ali – Former Bishop of Rochester •Steve Clifford – General Director, Evangelical Alliance
•Lyndon Bowring – Executive Chairman, CARE
•Paul Ashton – CEO, Prospects for People with Learning Disabilities
•Steve Brady – Principal, Moorlands College
•Julie Anderson – Founder, Prayer for the Nation
•Anita Cleverly – UK/European Director of ASK Prayer Network
Election Fever – get involved? Read More »