Mandy Catto

Count Your Blessings

Count your blessings 2010

A life-changing experience for Lent

Make Lent meaningful this year. Instead of giving up wine or chocolate, join Christian Aid in looking again at the good things in your life
– and change the lives of others living in poverty across the world at the same time.

There are lots of practical ideas contained in a little downloadable calendar that you can put on your fridge.Each day has some information about living in developing countries, contrasts details with our lives in the UK and invites you to set aside a small amount of money towards those who need it most.
The prayer that accompanies it is –

Loving Father
Often we forget your gifts to us,
letting them pass unnoticed
through each day.
Show us how to look again,
to see through your eyes
and give freely in response to what
we see.
And often we forget those who
struggle –
those whose greatest need
is lost among our riches.
Help us to look again,
to see through your eyes.
You gave so freely. Help us freely give.

You can also sign up for emails to help you keep Lent’s
journey in mind – they will send you
meditations, reflections and powerful
stories. Visit
A children’s version of Count Your Blessings,
resources for church worship and small
study groups and more copies of this
calendar are also available online.

Here are samples of the first few days –
Thursday 18
Wasted food costs the average family £420 a year.
Give 42p for each type of food you binned this week.>br>
Friday 19
In 2008 the price of basic foods such as rice, oil and sugar
increased by 50%,placing even greater pressure on poor families.
Give 20p for every packet or bottle of rice, oil or sugar
you own.
Weekend 20 & 21
‘We had 13 children,but four of them died.’
What Leandro wants more than anything is to keep his children healthy. 80% of his family’s diet is potato. Chronic malnutrition and infant mortality are huge problems
in Bolivia. Christian Aid is helping to fund seeds, tools and training so families there can build greenhouses and grow
vegetables to eat and sell.

Could you hold a Super Soup Lunch on 26 March? Visit

Monday 22
The International Labour Organisation estimates that 200 million more workers will fall into extreme poverty as
a result of the global recession. Almost half live in south Asia.
Give 10p for every £1,000 you earned last year.

Tuesday 23
One in six children worldwide is involved in child labour, which harms their mental, physical or emotional development.
Give 10p for every year of your childhood you were
free to play in your spare time.

Put this link into your browser –

Count Your Blessings Read More »

A Passion for Life – A National Outreach Initiative

‘A Passion for Life’ is a nationwide initiative that is drawing together individuals and local evangelical churches to plan a variety of missional initiatives culminating in Easter 2010. The vision is to see see numerous people of all ages and backgrounds in the country reborn to glorify God.

It is about proclaiming Christ’s PASSION for the LIFE of the world in March 2010 through…

-connecting with people:making contact with unbelievers in local communities

-connecting with churches, partnering with evangelical churches for the sake of the gospel

-connecting with Easter, rediscovering the glorious message of Christ’s death and resurrection.

There are various ways of getting involved: you can register on the website as an individual or as a church and obtain a manual that looks full of practical examples of outreach that churches have tried and succeeded in.

A Passion for Life – A National Outreach Initiative Read More »

Twenty Four by Krish Kandiah

I have recently been reading the book by Krish Kandiah, “Twenty-Four” and have found it extremely challenging!(Writes Fiona Castle)
As many will know, Krish was the keynote speaker for our recent Activate weekend in Coventry, and was very well received. A couple of his books were on sale there and I picked this one up because I felt that his attitude to his faith really resonated with that of Activate, in terms of evangelism.
This book talks about how we can make the most of every moment; to make every hour of every day an opportunity to be Christians, both in attitude and action.
When I first became a Christian, I was very privileged to have the Rev. Jim Graham as my pastor, who taught me, in very practical ways, not just to understand the Bible, but to apply it in everyday life.
This book is a very powerful reminder of that lesson. Krish talks about applying Biblical principles to every part of our day…..getting up, driving to work, time in the work place, looking after the children, cooking the meals, leisure time, fun time and in every aspect of our twenty four hours.
I thoroughly recommend it as a challenge to our lifestyles and as a gift, especially for new Christians, or those who have little opportunity for teaching or discipleship.

If you are interested in reading more about Krish then look up his blog

Twenty Four by Krish Kandiah Read More »

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