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Creative Connections – Eden People Ministry

Are you interested in learning more on reaching out to spiritual searchers? If so you might be interested in the following.

Eden People, a cross-church, all age Christian ministry uses ‘creative mission’ to make faith relevant and visible to those ‘out there’ and engages with those who are exploring spirituality – and meets them where they are.

Colin Brice, a leader from Eden People says “For more than 10 years we have been taking the Gospel outside Christian ‘safe areas’ into galleries, pubs, cafes, Mind, Body & Spirit exhibitions, psychic fairs and all sorts of music and spiritual festivals and gatherings. We take issues such as the environment, justice, spirituality and the creative arts as connection points for God to use. In these spaces we meet with many on personal spiritual journeys, enabling them to talk about, explore and experience expressions of the Christian faith”.

With the current growing interest in spirituality and alternative therapies, Eden People is helping to equip Christians for creative mission.

To do this, they are aware they need to present the Gospel in a relevant way by embracing new technology and mission tools such as short film, animation, new music genres and multi-sensory elements to bring Jesus to the forefront of people’s spiritual exploration.

This year Eden People are running an Apprenticeship Scheme aimed at those who are interested in learning more about using creative mission to reach out to spiritual searchers. It offers a 6 or 12 month hands-on training course at their base in Guildford. It aims to equip and encourage Christians to develop evangelism for today’s culture.

Also on offer are consultancy and training for small groups and churches. The sessions focus on:

– Festival ministry – music, green (eco), community & spiritual
– Mind, Body & Spirit or psychic fair ministry
– Context Consultancy (for where you/or your church is located)
– Massage Training
– General creative mission overview, preparation and outworking

For more details on Eden People training courses e-mail:

Creative Connections – Eden People Ministry Read More »

International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day (IWD) is a major day of global celebration for the economic, political and social achievements of women past, present and future. The first International Women’s Day was run in 1911 so in just a few years time 2011 sees the IWD Global Centenary. This year IWD will be celebrated on 9th March 2009 and the website lists events taking place in the UK and across the world- full details at . Why not join an event near you?

International Women’s Day Read More »

While we are on the subject of weddings can I draw your attention to this website. It has lots of advertisers, special offers and speech suggestions.
I blog and answer questions on this site and am happy to give advice to people who want to marry in church. Sometimes a small worry can put people off and cause them to book a hotel wedding instead.

The national church has a stand at most big wedding shows but anyone could take this up locally and offer basic advice. Read More »

February Devotional – What does God know about me?

What does God know about me?

It’s been almost a month since many of us resolved to do some things differently this year. So how is it going?
One close to my heart and most deserving of attention was the prayer ‘Trust God with everything’.

God knows our weaknesses and imperfections and yet we are infinitely loved by Him. He also knows our worries and concerns and as an omniscient God is already aware of what the future holds in store for us. Some people consult astrology, horoscopes etc to try to find out their future, but only God knows what is coming next.
Psalm 139:16(NIV) says ‘Your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be’ and Hebrews 4:13 ‘Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account’.

As we face uncertain times, knowing that God is prepared for all we encounter in our lives, whether it is today, next week or next year provides us with the comfort that He walks with us now as He walks in our future.
In His presence we are always enveloped in His peace. In Him we can welcome deeper love, unleashed intimacy and the certainty we are held.
Welcome 2009.

February Devotional – What does God know about me? Read More »

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