You are not special.
Adverts, t-shirts and car stickers bombard us with messages – so many that often we don’t take them in. I was struck recently when I saw a truck with a large bumper sticker telling me – “You are not special”.
We are so used to positive affirming statements that it was a shock and I looked at the truck driver, as we waited at the traffic lights, wondering what had happened to make him display such a sticker. Maybe it was a joke, a reaction against too many cheesey meaningless massages. Or maybe the driver does not feel special, there is no one in his life who makes him feel valued and unique.
I wish I could share with him that God created him as a unique being, that there is no one else like him with his gifts, talents and personality in the world. That God loves him and wants him to be in relationship with Him. That Jesus thought he was so special that He died for him.
Well, he drove off and there is little chance that I will ever see that truck again or that he will read this article!
But as I head out the door this morning there will probably be someone who does need to know they are special who crosses my path today. Perhaps a friend who needs to hear that I value them. Or a conversation will arise about faith. Maybe someone who is working hard in an un-noticed job needs a passer by to make eye contact and say ‘thank you’. Whether by my words or actions, I pray that today I will let someone know that they are special, to me and to God.
You are not special. Read More »
Better Together
The sun shone as we opened the doors of the Oasis centre and women began to arrive from all over the country. The Dream team women were still sorting out the little salt and pepper shakers when the first guest arrived from a two hour train journey- someone who had read about us on the internet and arrived by herself to meet others and be inspired! The worship team arrived and were drafted in to blow up the purple balloons. Soon the centre was thronging as our capacity numbers overflowed. We were ready for —
Living Life With Impact
10.00 Welcome and Worship with Sue Viner, Allie Pavis, Joy Kemp and the Maidstone worship group, a large team from the Maidstobe area led us in some worship with a mixture of contemporary, traditional and gospel songs.
10.30 Fiona Castle, opened by encouraging us to -Upgrade Our Evangelism
Her stories of being used to spread the love of Jesus whilst travelling, and building friendships when moving house were inspiring and set the tone high for the day.
11.30 Coffee, tea, cookies and the chocolate fountain was served in different areas so that we could network with others from our own geographical area.
11.45 Seminars-
A-Introducing Activate Your Life/ Reaching Your Community
Sarah McKerney/Rhiannon Goulding
B-Building Friendships
Caroline East
12.45 Lunch, open sandwiches, salad and deli bar from the Hub cafe. Jewellry workshop and stall available
2.00 Seminars
A-Will the Real Me Stand Up?
Mandy Catto/Julie Wilkins
Sheila Bridge
3.00 Worship and talk –
A Word in Season
Jan Harney
4.00 Finish
We hope you discovered that with God and each other, we are Better Together.We’d love to hear your comments and thoughts. Leave any below or post them on our Facebook group. If you have photos that you are happy for us to use perhaps you could attach them to an email on our contact form.