What can these two entities possibly have in common, you may be wondering?
Step-parenting and matters of friendship. Well, they both involve the heart and relationship. Both must surely place “the other” first and be costly as we carry each other’s burdens. Notionally, this is so straightforward: in practice, it becomes much more complicated. Why don’t I give you a practical example that might serve as a useful illustration?
Being a woman of a certain age, I don’t always sleep well, and my hormones can be up and down like a yo-yo. Yesterday evening I felt both emotionally and physically spent. I had slept badly the previous night, and I had taught teenagers at school. I was feeling weary, my nerves were frayed, and my resilience was paper thin.
Can you relate to such a scenario, I wonder?
Wednesday is “transition day” for us, which might leave you nodding in full appreciation of such a day or leave you questioning what this is. It is the day that a child/children of shared residency leave their one home to arrive at the other. It can be an emotionally charged day depending on the level of parental toxicity. My youngest stepson-son, with whom I have a wonderful relationship, arrived in a rather negative mindset. Why had I left the key in the door so he couldn’t let himself in?
I’m 100% sure ur not the first mum to sit in a car park before going home for a bit …
Im here if u need a chat”……..”Maybe it’s feeling that you work so hard to do so much for the boys and the reaction to the fruit thing is part of feeling it isn’t appreciated at times?”……these kind of texts kept pinging through, each one a form of balm!
I wanted to acknowledge some of her texts to honour her. Your friend who is a step-mum might be feeling stressed at times because she has all the added challenges of being a step-mum but maybe she also just has days of feeling weary because she has the role of being a mum too and it’s not even about the “step”. Are you there for her? Can you pray for her? Can you accept her role as a mum figure in a loving and non-judgmental way? Be that friend to her that mine was to me and it might just encourage you too!
Amy Ellison grew up in Birmingham, but now lives in the South of England with her husband and step-sons.
She works as a Secondary teacher of Modern Languages.