Jude says, ‘Relax…’

Hey girls, just in time for the weekend is our second post from Jude.
This is my favourite. Listen to this, following on from our last verse, “Relax, everything’s going to be all right; rest, everything’s coming together; open your hearts, love is on the way!”

Don’t you just love that? Love is on the way.

You know ladies it would be really easy for me to talk about how we could apply that to our own personal situations – and of course we can. But imagine the impact these words could have if we had these on our lips, ready to speak, and if we lived this out?

Imagine if, to all our friends, we carried a spirit of ‘relax’ and not ‘stress’. Imagine if we were able to be the ones to bring perspective to those in chaos, to say, ‘sweetheart… sister… you will be okay, we can do this together!’

Imagine if we really grasped the truth of Jeremiah 29:11 and Romans 8:28 that even when it doesn’t look / feel / seem like it, God’s hand is still at work and ‘everything is coming together’.

Imagine, now, the difference in your world if right now we made a decision to outwork the love of Christ in our lives in such a way that when we encounter our friends, family and day-to-day situations, knowing we carry with us Jesus Christ himself, through his incredible Holy Spirit. Literally, Love would be on the way to where it’s needed most.

Girls, have a fabulous weekend. Relax… enjoy the odd five minutes to yourself… but take these words to heart. Love is on the way…


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