Millions of people who don’t go to church would say yes to an invitation from a friend. What if you were that friend? Who would you invite?
At Activate Your Life, we know that it is vital to build friendships with people who are currently outside of our church communities. We believe it’s important that people know us well and trust us enough to accept our invitations and ask us their faith questions.
Back to Church Sunday has caught on in churches everywhere because it is so simple. Since 2004 a quarter of a million people have said yes to the prayerful invitation of a friend.
Each year more churches take part and more people come back per church. In 2011, across all denominations about 77,000 extra people attended church that day.
And at its heart it is the oldest idea of all, the one that made shepherds leave their flocks, fishermen leave their nets, and tax collectors climb out of trees. Someone invited them.
Of course you can invite your friend to church any Sunday and every Sunday. And of course it’s vital that our first aim is to connect people to God rather than just to ‘church’. But Back to Church Sunday can help you take a step in sharing your faith: inviting someone you know to something you love.
For more information about Back to Church Sunday go to