Trinity Church Littlehampton hosted one of our days away on 13th May 2023. The theme they had chosen was RESTART, which on this occasion was presented by Rhiannon Goulding and Bekah Legg. As well as hearing four talks, sharing a delicious Ploughman’s Lunch, and spending time getting to know women from other local churches, we were led and blessed by Hope Rising Worship. Hope Rising is a music ministry with a heart and vision to create spaces for people to connect with God. Take a look at their website to find out more about these three women and their ministry.
Feedback from Littlehampton
Here is some of the feedback from the day.
Could you describe the day away in one sentence?
- Inspiring, encouraging and real.It’s a great day to learn more about God, myself and those I live work and meet in a living and caring way, and it’s fun too!
- Loving, funny, practical, informative teaching.Uplifting lovely people to be with.
- I came away feeling blessed and more confident, so thank You!
- Inspiring,encouraging,real and practical
- Great chance to meet with women from other churches.Encouraging.
- Inspirational, down-to-earth teaching.
- It was easy to understand and practical: you can take it into your walk with the Lord and reach others in little ways.
- Spiritually tank filling.
- Challenging and encouraging.Thought provoking and inspiring.
- An uplifting, empowering and enlightening day which has helped me to be equipped to go forward in all aspects of my life.
- Meeting me where I am; inspiring me to go further with God.
- Emotional and healing my spirit.
- Worshipful, joyful, informative and relevant, feeding mind, body and spirit.
Feel free to share any other comments or encouragement in the space below.
- Real feeling of sisters in Christ.
- The speakers were excellent, well informed and obviously have a heart for what God has led them to do.
- The speakers were fantastic, very real and honest. Looking forward to going to the next event.
- Thank you all so much! Fabulous teaching,honest one-to-ones, amazing food, encouragement and challenges too x. I'm so very grateful I came x
- Thank-you so much for all your time, care and love you poured into this event. It was a great blessing and I thank God for you all.
- Thank you all so much for giving so much of yourselves at Littlehampton yesterday, God has been incredible working with you and through you to reach out to us. Keep being ‘you’.
- I wasn’t sure what to expect- Evangelism is a big word, but I could understand about Love and I felt enabled to show it and have God use that in His way.
- The ladies did a great job with the seminars. Praying for you both.
- Felt very loved and looked after. And to be able to worship with other ladies. A very special day. Thank you.
What is your main 'takeaway' from this event?
- How we can have an impact on others using different stratagies.
- Being more aware of those I encounter in my daily life.
- Be yourself.
- Blessed - learnt a lot from the speakers. Lovely songs to worship God with all the ladies there.
- God can use me when I'm vulnerable, keep being honest..
- I honestly feel that I'm taking many opportunities to tell friends and neighbours about Jesus and help them on their journey towards him.
- God can use you however old or unfit you are.
- Being authentic, how to be yourself when you meet people in all walks of life.
- That God can use anyone, anywhere at anytime, you don't have to perfect - Praise the Lord! Also, we have more power than we think sometimes and need to use that 'power' wisely and for His Glory.
- That being ‘me’ with God at the centre is enough. I’m thankful that my eyes have been further widened to how ‘power’ is misused in all walks of society, including in our own home. With this information and support today, I can make healthy changes to my relationship and in my workplace.
- We are called to love first, then evangelise, but Christ is the One who makes someone a Christian.
- That I don't need to wear a mask and pretend everything is okay.
- I don’t need to be an ‘evangelist’ per se. It’s about friendship, and thus showing, and being Jesus through being a friend.
- That evangelism is a process and the sower may not be the reaper. And it's scriptural.
9.30 - Arrive, registration and refreshments
10.00 - Welcome, Worship by Hope Rising music ministry
Seminar 1: Be Present
Rhiannon will be looking at how we can stay motivated in reaching out to others even when we lose desire. With personal stories of coping through difficult times and how God uses such times. 'Be Present' will encourage us to use even our demotivated and difficult times, to express God's love to others.
Seminar 2: Second session – Be Aware
Bekah will look at the way power shows up in relationships, and especially what it means when one person has more power than the other. Understanding this enables us to intentionally create healthy, balanced, authentic friendships. Particularly, it helps us to make sure that when we tell people about Jesus, we avoid making people our projects and instead we love them in the way that Jesus does.
Seminar 3: Be an Advocate
Bekah will be walking us through the difficult story of Amnon and Tamar (2 Samuel 13). It’s the story of a terrible abuse of power by one man but it’s also the story of a lot more men who stood by and let that happen. In a world where we so often hear stories of abuse or the misuse of power, how can we speak up and make a difference?
Seminar 4: Being Real, Being Yourself
In this final session Rhiannon will not only be getting practical about how we put on relevant events, but more importantly, how we avoid sliding into the temptation of feeling we need to be somebody in order to be more effective or relevant! 'Being Real, Being Yourself' will encourage you to be real, to build genuine relationships inside and outside the church, and to cultivate real connection through warm conversation
Worship by Hope Rising music ministry.
3.30pm - Main programme is finished
Meet the speakers...

Bekah Legg
Bekah Legg lives on the South Coast with her husband and those children who haven’t quite flown the nest! She is the Director of Restored, a charity that equips the church to stand with survivors against domestic abuse. She is passionate about seeing people flourish and become all that God created them to be. Bekah loves long walks with the dog and a glass of wine and long chat with her friends. On very good days, she can be found curled up with a book in a sunny spot.

Rhiannon Goulding
Our second director, Rhiannon, is also Activate’s Events Coordinator. Never without a project on the go, she has inspired and motivated many Christians and non-Christians to take the next step in their faith journeys, with the ultimate aim of leading people to Christ. Mum to six children, Rhiannon’s life is full of adventure, creativity, and enthusiasm!