We would love to see your photos, posts and stories of the weekend so please tag us in.
@activateyrlife #aylweekendaway #be365devotions

Click the icons to jump to the different areas.
Arrival / Departure - Miss Activate - Information point - Free time - Drink stations - Signposting & help - Shop - Meet the team - Unlocking Your Vision
On Arrival:
When you arrive, you don't need to go to the Reception desk. You'll be signposted to our Activate Welcome table which is open from 3pm where you'll get your room key.
On Departure:

We're passionate about supporting the next generation as they enjoy finding ways to share their faith. As they discover their identities in Christ, we love helping them live for Jesus at school and college in ways that reflect their own interests and personalities. The girls get together at different points throughout the weekend to chat and encourage each other, play games, or go in the pool. We encourage them to join in with the main sessions and some of the seminars, and we love the multi-generational atmosphere and sense of fun they bring to the whole event!
Under 16 swimming times are
Saturday - 9am-10am and 3:30-5:30pm
Sunday - 9am-11am and 3:30-4:30pm
Come to the Info Point if you have any questions about the weekend, if you would like a paper copy of the programme, or just want to find out who we are and what we do.
We'd love to help you set up a Standing Order if you'd like to make a regular donation to the work of Activate Your Life. As a thank you, we'll pass you an invitation for drinks with Fiona on Saturday night.
This weekend is for you. There's lots on but make sure you take time to relax too. Enjoy chatting with friends and making new ones. You don't have to go to everything, pick and choose and build in time to use the pool, go for a walk or do some journalling, crafts or reading. Here are some suggestions:
Halcyon baskets: colouring and simple activities - take what you need and return materials when you've finished. Located at the back of the Main Meeting Room
Create baskets: craft activities with instructions - pick out what you need and enjoy completing on your own or with others. Located in the Warwick Room (where you booked in)
Prayer/Quiet room. Located in the conservatory through the Warwick Room (where you booked in)
Game baskets: Revisit old favourites and discover a new favourite. Located at Activate bar area
Take a nap!
Pool and Gym opening times
Bring your towel from your room or pay £1 at the leisure area.
There are a few lockers (£1) but please don't bring valuables to the pool area.
Opening Times 7am – 8pm
Last entry 7pm
Opening Times 7am – 7pm
Last entry 6.30pm
Under 16 swimming times are 9am-10am and 3:30pm-5:30pm
Opening Times | 7am – 6pm
Last entry 5.30pm
Under 16 swimming times are 9am-11am and 3:30pm-4:30pm
Walk and explore
Explore the grounds or go for a longer walk or run (ask for routes at Reception)
This year you can turn any quiet area into your own tranquil space!
Halcyon baskets: Colouring and simple activities - take what you need and return materials when you've finished - Located at the back of the Main Meeting Room
Create baskets: Craft activities with instructions - pick out what you need and enjoy completing on your own or with others - Located in the Warwick Room
Game baskets: Revisit old favourites and discover a new favourite - borrow and return to the basket after the game - Located by Activate Info Point
The Prayer Room - Please feel free to use this room, especially if you need a quiet place to pray and reflect - Located in the Warwick Room (where you booked in)
Please help yourself. If you need plant-based milk or gluten-free snacks, these should be labelled at the coffee points. Please see a member of the hotel team if you have any queries.
Feel free to bring a small reusable cup if you'd like to reduce waste.
Trigger warning - If any issues covered have affected you, please CLICK THIS LINK to find organisations who can help.
We are happy to pray with you, but recognise that the support we can give is limited. Please talk to a friend who is able to support you when you return home.
Here is a link to our policies and procedures
Hi, my name is Debbie. I've been with you at Activate for many years and I'm looking forward to seeing you again. Come and chat to me, I'm happy to give recommendations and help in any way I can.
Activate Your Life team

Guests this weekend

Ronia is an ordinand studying theology at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford University, and is based at Gas Street Church in Birmingham with her husband, Tatenda. She is a bold and dedicated communicator, unapologetically driven by a vision of transforming lives and breaking generational cycles and strongholds so that people can fully experience freedom and new life in Christ.

Kate Pinnell
Kate is passionate about sharing Jesus with everyone and with making the Bible come alive to those she disciples. Alongside being a Mum to 2 almost grown kids she is currently studying Theology (Grad Dip) at WTC as well as being a trustee at Moorlands Bible college. When not running her recruitment company, or leading and preaching as part of her church ministry team she likes to follow Jesus’ example of having great conversations around a meal table. Fun, family, friendship, and food are at the heart of her ministry.

Jade and John Reynolds
Known for their hilarious and heartwarming content on social media, John and Jade are not shy in sharing their faith and family stories on podcasts and in their new book.
Saturday 4.45-5.15 -Meet the Activate team in the marketplace. Whether you’re interested in booking a speaker, organising a Day Away, or exploring how Activate can support your church, we’re here to chat and answer any questions you have.
Activate is so much more than just a Weekend Away.
We depend on donations to continue to hold events, help subsidise Activate days away, cover our running costs, and so much more. If you’ve been impacted by Activate Your Life and have a heart for our work to continue, could you consider a one-off or monthly donation to support us? Thank you for your prayers and support. Activate Team

"Very inspiring and relatable speakers, great to be surrounded by friendly ladies and have time to reflect, pray and worship."

Since the charity started in 1965, we have depended on supporters and volunteers who have been generous with their time, money and resources. We call these supporters our Activate Ambassadors.
Always striving to support the smallest to the largest groups and events, we believe in providing quality speakers for groups of 15 or 615 people! Through your generous support, it's wonderful to be able to say 'yes' to a church in a far-flung place with limited resources, as your help can cover our travel costs.
Our two part-time employees are funded by your generous support. Come along to Unlocking Your Vision on Saturday afternoon to find out more.
Sometimes it can feel quite lonely as a Christian today and it was such a treat to be together with so many!
Knowing we're not alone and there are plenty of other people in similar situations and being given the tools to help us move on.
Feeling empowered and surrounded by wonderful women
So glad to hear such relevancy and realness that makes the message one that I feel easily able to respond to in my everyday life.
At the meeting I felt that God is asking me to organise a community event. So I really appreciate the opportunity to step back and hear from God - thank you.
What a gift to hear your personal stories & the encouragement that I matter to God.
After being a Christian for many years i was feeling a bit discouraged. It was refreshing to hear how the gospel can be shared today without it being so formal. It made me feel comfortable with who I am!