Frame the day

Living Out Love

“Let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” — 1 John 3:18

As you go into the week ahead, consider how you can turn your faith into action. What small, meaningful step can you take to reflect God’s love through service?

Father God, empower us to live out our faith in tangible ways. Let our love be evident not only in our words but in our deeds. Inspire us to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with You. As we go into the world, may our actions speak louder than words, drawing others closer to You through the love we show. Amen.

Please clear your rooms and return your key for 11am (luggage can be put in the car or hotel storage room at reception).

7-9 Breakfast
8.30-9 Devotions (Main Room)

Led by: Kate Pinnell

Why not join us as we pause together at the beginning of each day?

9.30-10.30 Workshops
Workshop 2A - Building Resilience in Tough Times - Ronia Nyakunika (Main Room) 

We all know that life can bring unexpected challenges for each of us. Whether it’s financial stress, health struggles, infertility, emotional pain, relation tension or the loss of something or someone dear, life can be tough.

In the “Building Resilience in Tough Times” workshop, we’ll explore both practical and spiritual strategies to navigate and overcome life’s most difficult seasons. Ronia will share powerful stories of resilience from scripture, along with personal reflections on how she has faced and overcome her own personal challenging moments in life and marriage.

The goal of this workshop is to empower women to approach their struggles with renewed faith, hope and confidence. By the end, we will have a greater sense of capability in developing healthy coping strategies, as well as building mental and emotional resilience.

While life may present us with tough seasons, we can grow in our trust in God and find strength even during the storm. This workshop will help women embrace the journey with grace, knowing that God is with us through it all.

Workshop 2B - Seen and Unseen – John and Jade Reynolds (Authentic Room) 

to be added

10.30- 11.15 Refreshments (outside Main Room and on mezzanine)
11.15 -12.45 Main Session 5 (Main Room)

Worship & Keynote Speaker: Sue Rinaldi.

to be added

1 -2.30 LUNCH (or collect preordered grab and go lunch from Reception)
2-3 Farewell

Come and say goodbye as you leave

Activate is so much more that just a Weekend Away.

We depend on donations to continue to put on events, help subsidise Activate days away, cover our running costs, and so much more. If you’ve been impacted by Activate Your Life and have a heart for our work to continue, could you consider a one-off or monthly donation to support us? Thank you for your prayers and support. Activate Team

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