Ask Alison – July

During Wimbledon Fortnight I tried Pimms for the very first time. And it was simply delicious! Wanting to make my own I found a recipe and made my first jug of refreshingly cold perfect pimms.

It later struck me that without the recipe I wouldn’t have had a clue about putting the right ingredients together. It reminded me that so many couples embark upon a relationship without their particular recipe for a successful marriage and then wonder why it goes wrong.

With this in mind I’ve a few ideas to help you create your own recipe for a fantastic marriage that is full of flavour, exquisite taste and plenty of tit-bits!


1 cup thoughtfulness
1 cup support
1 cup of compliments (carefully concealed)
2 cupfuls laughter
3 cupfuls time together- without the kids!
1 litre faith and trust in each other
1 litre of seeing things from their persepctive


Mix well, review for improvements and add extra ingredients to improve the flavour. You’ll soon have your own special recipe for a long and happy marriage. Just like Pimms your marriage will be refreshing, fruity and long lasting.

I’d love to hear about your own recipes.

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