Battle of wills!

Yesterday was battle of the wills with 4 year old! It started with him crying as we left school because he wanted to go to the ice-cream van! Why does the ice-cream van sit outside the school gates everyday?? I have a ‘once a week’ rule so the boys can go after school one day a week! I even bring my own 5p supermarket ones from home in a cool box!! Anyway tears and tantrums calmed and we went on the park, then he melted down when I said it was time to go! Just as we got to the bottom of the drive 4 year old refused to walk any further, “carry me” was his demand. I said no he can walk the 10 steps to the front door, he then screamed… the stand-off began! He stood there for 10 minutes refusing to move “my legs are tired” was his complaint. I was proud of myself I stood firm! I wasn’t even embarrassed when neighbours started opening doors to check everything was ok! 4 year old is strong-willed I knew I had to win this one! 6 year old whispered in my ear “mummy I think you need to call that lady”, “what lady?” was my reply, “that Supernanny Jo lady, she’ll sort him out”! Oh I did laugh. After 10 minutes 4 year old gave up and came in. Battle won by mum! He’s been as good as gold since!

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