
I have just read a brilliant article in the Daily Mail (July 4th) by Jan Moir on the sad demise of Michael Jackson, entitled “The Fatal Lure Of Fame”. She describes the growing desire in our nation for people to experience fame at any cost. Right now more than 100,000 young people are auditioning for the next X Factor, convinced that fame will change their lives for the better. But will it? She lists many, so called, “idols” whose lives have been ruined by fame and by the publicity and wealth that fame often brings with it. This obviously includes Michael Jackson.

This is a topic that has always been close to my heart, having aspired to become a ballerina in my childhood; not for fame, but for the love of dance and the joy that such expression brought me. I never made it….but my husband did! He was picked out as a child “with talent” at a young age and from the age of eight pursued a career in showbusiness until his death in 1994. However, he, like me, was grounded in a strong, stable and loving family, with Christian values. He never allowed success to go to his head. In fact, he said that it was easier to deal with failure than success, as success has so many consequences.
There is a famous “showbiz” saying. You had better be nice to people on the way up, because you are bound to meet them again on the way down!! How true!
The Bible tells us “God has deliberately chosen to use ideas the world considers foolish and of little worth, in order to shame those people considered by the world as wise and great. He has chosen a plan despised by the world, counted as nothing at all, and used it to bring down to nothing those the world considers great, so that no one anywhere can boast in the presence of God. For it is on God alone that you have your life through Christ Jesus”. I Corinthians 1: 27 – 30
Do read the article on line if you can. It serves as such a good reminder to any who are mothers that there is NOTHING that can replace the security of a strong loving family, where parents are there for their children and where Bible values are observed and applied! This will supply the lasting satisfaction that a few minutes of fame can never bring.

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