Use Me!

Fiona Castle spoke movingly at a valedictory service for students leaving Moorlands Bible college recently. She quoted from this poem by G K Chesterton.

Lord, I want to play a role in the biggest adventure story of all time.
Use me to make a difference
Use me to touch lives in Your name.
Use me to help a broken person understand he is precious to you.
Use me to impact a young person for you.
Use me to soothe someone’s pain.
Use me to be the answer to someone’s pain.
Use me to have compassion for the disadvantaged and vulnerable.
Use me to defend the defenceless.
Use me to bring someone to you.

Use me to ease someone’s loneliness.
Use me to establish Godly values for those for whom I have responsibility.
Use me to deepen someone’s faith.
Use me to bring hope into someone’s despair.
Use me to bring Your light ineo someone’s darkness.
Use me to release somone from their guilt because of Your cross.
Use me to strengthen someone who cannot cope with life any longer.
Use me to bring a God perspective into someone’s thinking.

O use me, Lord, use even me,
Just as thou wilt, and when, and where,
Until thy blessed face I see,
Thy rest, Thy Joy, Thy glory share

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